The architecture is insane. It’s a mix of French meets Spanish Colonialism style. There are moments I felt I could have easily have been lost in Mexico City. Then there are moments I felt I had died and been reborn in Paris. Really groovy. Tres chic. Not an ugly corner in the Downton area. Every piece of this area has a certain charm/character to it. Nowhere is perfect mind you. ghettos are a plenty around the world. No city even one this pretty is immune to that. After all my trips and travels I have come to realize that Tijuana is everywhere. What Tijuana represents is poverty and corruption. There is nowhere we can go on Earth that humans have existed where that does not exist. While I paint a rosy picture I am a realist and like to make it clear that no place is perfect in this world. I am only speaking on the Downtown area of Quebec City which caters to tourism and Government work. That’s pretty much has close to perfect as it can get.
What the fuck!? I had a rabbit… Her name is Baja. You may have seen her on earlier posts if you’re a long time reader. I had to re-home her in Baja California due to the 1 pet per person limit for international travel. Well, upon a lot of convincing that the hare breed of the rabbit is very different from the domestic one. I caved. Look at this decadence down below.
This magic in a bowl is in tourist central Quartier Petite Champlain. I’ll let you fumble down your own rabbit hole to find it. There’s enough tourists swarming this joint that it needs no further introduction. Be ready for a nauseating amount of cargo shorts (If you’re wearing Cargo Shorts while reading this post please burn the now and do the world a favor), polo shirts, and Birkenstocks. It almost ruined my meal but if I kept my eyes on the food and not on the total lack of care/effort put into personal style… I was able to enjoy this meal. Who would have though rabbit could be so filling? It’s worth the trip just to have this moment on a Sunny afternoon.
A side note: The Oysters deserve a shout out as well. These shucked wonders had dandelion buds inside and where served on a bed of cold rocks instead of ice. Again, this isn’t a food blog so go find your own! Explore, take a trip and you may go far.
It’s Almost Too Pretty
I touched on this with the architecture. This city center is almost too pretty for words. There’s a fine attention to detail here that is lost in many bigger Urban sprawling landscapes. Since it’s too pretty for words let’s not waste anymore trying to over explain and just enjoy the photo tour below.
The Ferry Is Functional
The last time I was on a Ferry was Seattle in 2010. This one just off the Boardwalk bridges the divide of the city center and the outlying areas. It’s not only great for the views and but if I wanted to get from one side of the city to another in under 15 minutes without traffic in an Uber this would be the ticket. It runs until 2 a.m and costs around $6 each way. Do it for the views from a different perspective of the inner city. It’s a short trip 5 minutes across but it’s worth it.
Dress Up Because You Should
What I really liked most is that going full glam here wasn’t out-of-place. Despite the sea of cargos, flip-flops, Birkenstocks, and a haze of ill-fitting T-shirts and pot bellies there is room for Fashion. The fact that it’s so pretty will make you feel like you fit into the environment by putting your best fashion forward. Plus, you’ll put all those damn tourists to shame. There is a distinct difference between tourists and travelers. Travelers go their own way, try to avoid crowds instead of being one of them and do their own thing. They also tend to have their own sense of style. Case in point.. Myself! Here are my top looks from this trip.
Dress by Sam & Lavi Los Angeles
Dress by Aqua
Country vs. City
The groovy thing I love is the dichotomy between country and city. Life’s all about striking that fine balance between work and play. Pleasure and pain. Nature vs. machine. In comparison to any other bigger city it takes no time to get the fuck out-of-town. In 15 minutes you will be in the almost total isolation. Having quick access to nature is excellent for mental health and to give you space between urban and rural environments. Ranch life isn’t ever far from my mind after growing up on one for 10 years of my life in Southern Alberta. It’s something I will always have this affinity for countryside’s. If you go to the city it’s your civil duty to also get the fuck out of it time to time.
Remember to not be an asshole. Too many city slickers use these types of escapes as an excuse to be excessively loud, traveling in huge crowds, littering and generally just ruining the vibe of these otherwise serene environments. People like that have no business in the country. They should be in a digitally simulated purgatory that teaches them over and over how to be a traveler, not a tourist and how to adapt to ever changing landscapes before being allowed out of the house. Period.
Middle of Nowhere, Quebec
Parc de la Chute-Montmorency
When you can find a Lobster Roll in the country with Brut Champagne you’re in business my friends. This has healing powers. Or at least enough power to help abolish a mild hangover from the night before.
In Closing
If your Canadian you need to see this city. I think as Canadians it’s on us to make sure we explore our own country before we dive too deep into others. Right now is the perfect time to play catch up for us expats and travelers who can’t leave safely even if we wanted too. Canada is a pretty cold country half of the year but it’s also pretty cool when it’s not. It’s pretty, the local people are really nice (almost too nice) and your fine dining options are endless. One thing you may note during this pandemic is traveling alone right now sucks. Being single right now sucks! I have really loved being single for almost all of my life and traveling solo. When you go places alone you meet people because your energy is open as it’s not fixated on a group. Your options are endless or at least, so they seem. However, with everything having been closed for the past 5 months the energy of the nightlife has yet to come back to even a quarter of what was. I can’t believe I’m saying this as it’s everything I stand against but… you really should travel with someone or a small group of people. Quebec City is romantic, it attracts tons of tourists and couples. For that reason, singles beware of taking on such a feat of trying to mingle in a city full of couples and families. It’s not the time for us to thrive socially but it is the time to stay alive by living our life. This is the sad truth about travelling single in this moment in any country that’s actually taking the necessary precautions to squash larger gatherings of people.
Just know like you I feel the same sorrow that comes with the fall out of the loss of social grace. The feeling as though anything an happen. Meeting people who escort you through a night, a weekend or become a life long friend. It’s a really hard time for us solo travelers but it’s also not impossible to still enjoy your life and have some much-needed pleasure. We’re most likely going to be alone for a while, and we will watch from the sidelines as couples and families stroll. Just know that once this shitstorm passes, it will be our time again.