Pandemic or not this is the time to create really killer art. Across all platforms and media. From fashion, movies, music, digital art, physical art, mixed media. it’s all happening now. We have no excuse are creatives to do what we do best (while weathering being forced into/out of lockdown) create! This is why in the world of fashion where all these designers have been stuck inside for the past 6 months I feel Tom Ford has truly failed us all with his most recent collection. I’ve looked up to Tom Ford since my teenage years when he was at the helm of Gucci in the ’90s. He truly revolutionized how far sexy could go in ready to wear tailored garments. However, those days have passed. It’s 2020 and I’m utterly disappointed with this lackluster collection.
What irks me the most is when high-end luxury brands phone it in. When you charge between $2-3k USD for a velour hoodie you better be on top of your fucking game.

There are no excuses when you sell high-end you are expected to deliver. We are all suffering the long-lasting impacts of the pandemic. However, we don’t all have access to millions of dollars, endless contact lists, and the elite. We cannot all sell $2750 hoodies for a living and some of our businesses have come to a complete halt altogether. This means we don’t suffer in the same ways. Some just suffer and some suffer well. Tom is suffering very well, a little too well if this is what is coming out of his formally masterful mind. Let me guide you through the worst of this collection and give you details as to why this is an overpriced ton of textile waste.
Textile Waste Down Below

In Closing
High-end luxury fashion is about fantasy, drama, timelessness, art, and escapism. This collection is a real housewife on a bad cocktail of prescription meds and Rose. It truly is no better than what you can find on Aliexpress at 2000x the price without free shipping.
I have respect for you Tom Ford. Maybe you should stick to directing movies and take a hiatus from the fashion world until you can truly produce again. Nocturnal Animals was the best thing I’ve seen you produce in the past 5 years, not fashion. It’s better to produce nothing and save the resources than it is to pump out over-priced loungewear to the 1% if this is all you have to offer.
About Me: My name is Tiffini Truth and I’m a Metal Artist living in Montreal. I adore writing. Specifically about life, style, and culture. I also host the “People Suck Podcast”.
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“People Suck Podcast With Tiffini Truth” goes live on Saturdays
“This Week In Metal” is my Metal Art Youtube series, Season 1 is streaming now. Season 2 is coming in 2021.