Tiffini Truth

Once Upon A Time In Quebec City…

Hello loyal readers, let’s take a trip 3 1/2 hours east of Montreal this week to a place called Quebec City. I recently spent 3 days/nights there for my 36th Birthday. Last year I was couchsurfing in Hollywood. It’s not a place I would have ever seen myself going out

First Impressions of Montreal As An Anglophone

Hello loyal readers and thank you for being patient while I take more time to put these posts together. I’ve now been in Montreal by way of Tijuana (a.k.a Tijufuckinguana) for a full month. I didn’t want to write this article too soon or too late to make sure I’m

Moving From Mexico to Canada as an Expat

Hello loyal readers, I’m finally happy to say that I am officially no longer a residing in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. I was able to make it out of the most violent city currently on earth and head north of the border back to my country of origin. Canada. Or

Lost Highway & The Fine Art of David Lynch

Hello loyal readers, let’s talk about music this week. Most specifically my music you probably know absolutely nothing about. Last Summer I released my first album called “Screw You”. A few weeks ago I released my first music video off that album titled “Socket Screw” and then I go so wrapped up in

Consumerism Is Killing Us Quicker Than The Coronavirus

Hello loyal readers. Instead of feeding into the main topic of Coronoavirus ( which if we’re being honest no one knows anything about) on everyone’s minds I want to pivot into a deeper disease of our mindsets. Consumerism, and why it’s become a detriment to our society. Currently we see

Medical Tourism In Tijuana, Anti-Aging & Beauty Secrets

Hello loyal readers. I took last week off to gather enough content to bring you an in-depth beauty article. To me beauty and self-care go hand in hand. When you’re taking care of yourself you automatically feel more beautiful. Beauty is only skin deep so it’s equally important to do

The 2000’s: The Worst Decade For Fashion

Hello loyal readers. I was going through the decades of fashion recently in a Goggle search and stumbled upon the 2000’s. One decade I lived through as a very young adult. The 2000’s for me was age 16-26. In Pop culture Sex tapes where in high demand, Paris Hilton ruled

A Glimpse Into Frida Kahlo’s Painfully Beautiful World

Hello loyal readers. Let’s get into 2 of my favorite stops I made on my recent trip to Mexico City today. One was Frida Kahlo’s house converted into a Museum. The second was Diego Rivera’s tomb which boasts vast collections of his sculptural work and paintings. These where both two

Embracing Femininity & Living A More Erotic Lifestyle

Hello loyal readers! This week I want to dig my heels into a topic I don’t see being discussed enough. Femininity and even more specifically Erotica. Both topics I am very well versed in due to the fact that a. I’m female and b. I  was a traveling Fetish model

Bustiers, Cashmere & Cold Nips

Hello loyal readers! Winter is definitely in no way on its way out anytime soon. This marks the coldest winter I have ever experienced since moving to the West Coast a little over 5 years ago. I’m Canadian, I’ve seen the worst of the worst. The reason I’m not in